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Thursday, 20 February 2014

Download AudaCity terbaru

Audacity merupakan software untuk editing audio yang cukup kompleks dan lengkap. Cara pengoperasiannya pun juga tidak terlalu sulit. Banyak video tutorial yang bisa kita dapatkan untuk mempraktekan software yang satu ini.. Untuk Mendownload softaware auda city ini silahkan:

Apa yang baru pada versi ini (what the increase for this version??)

October 21, 2013: Audacity 2.0.5 Released

Audacity 2.0.5 replaces all previous versions. It fixes crashes or hangs that were reported in Audacity 2.0.4 on some machines, and contains many other bug fixes and stability improvements.
  • (OS X) Crashes when importing audio files are fixed.
  • (OS X) Files can now be opened using Finder "Open with", and by double-click or dragging to the Audacity icon.
  • (OS X) Audio Unit plug-ins are not loaded until used. This makes Audacity start faster and avoids startup crashes due to incompatible plug-ins.
  • (Windows) On a very few machines, the Windows WDM-KS low latency host caused Audacity 2.0.4 to hang or the computer to crash. WDM-KS has been removed from Audacity 2.0.5 while we work on safely enabling this host. WDM-KS will still be available for testing in the Windows alpha development builds.
  • (Windows) Fixed a bug where Audacity would not record until the current input was reselected.
  • (Linux) You can now navigate through an effect or other dialog using keyboard TAB.
Other bugs have been fixed, notably shaped dither being too loud, as detailed in the 2.0.5 Release Notes.


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